越洋專訪梁靜茹 Wedding videographer
07 April,2010
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梁靜茹的婚禮片段如此觸動人心,其婚禮攝錄團隊Mayad Studios絕對應記一功, 無論其剪接技巧, 背景音樂和畫面節奏均非常流暢, 完全捕捉到新人之間的那份純純的甜蜜, 感恩和幸福.

對於香港人來說, Mayad Studios可能比較陌生, 來頭卻不少. Mayad Studios是菲律賓一間非常著名的婚禮攝錄公司, 在國際間享負盛名, 過去兩年贏了不少重要獎項, 包括被喻為THE OLYMPICS OF WEDDING VIDEOGRAPHY的Wedding and Event videographers Association (WEVA) International上, 分別獲得 2008 both Gold awards in Best in Wedding Higlights and Love Story Categories. 2009 Gold again in Best in Wedding Highlights and Silver in Same Day Edit Categories.

Mayad Studios跟梁靜茹的緣份, 源自於the Queen of Boracay, Amanda Tirol. 是她把Mayad Studios介紹給梁靜茹的. Mayad Studios坦言, 他們當然知道梁靜茹是紅遍亞洲的天后級歌手, “it would be a challenge for us since Fish Leong is a renowned celebrity. But since we love challenge, we were so up to it and pretty much excited for the wedding.”

結果, 今次的婚禮作品果然沒令人失望, 大家都感到非常滿意, 好讓Mayad Studios終於鬆一口氣. 問到如何使拍攝順利, 以及準確捕捉婚禮每個感人的幸福片段, Mayad Studios強調, 新人別太緊張, 別太在意鏡頭, “Just have fun…smile..laugh…sleep early the night before the wedding...don’t be stressed..don’t be harassed…it’s your wedding day!!!…” “而我們的責任就是盡力而為, 把婚禮上每個美麗的片段透過攝錄機捕捉下來.”

除了梁靜茹外, Mayad Studios也遇上過很多難忘的婚禮故事. 包括因為一些瘋狂的司機而令新人和拍攝團隊差點錯過了班機, 亦試過在3號颱風底下在海灘攝錄婚禮, 當時下著大雨, 又大風, 難得眾人情緒高漲, 這是一次很特別和別具意義的經驗. “It reminded us that weddings are not just about the glamorous gown or the fine reception set-up..First and foremost it is about the love of two individuals as they tie the knot and luckily we were able to capture that momentous occasion.”

沒錯, 婚禮不只是一味追求所謂的完美和讚美, 而是一對新人的愛情, 結合與承諾.

今年 4月26-27號, Mayad Studios將來訪香港, 對香港新人來說, 肯定是個難得的機會. Mayad Studios稱, It's s a one time deal only, 費用USD500 (pre-wedding/save the date shoot ), 有興趣的準新人可直接聯絡 roam@mayadstudios.com

Text_Desiree (WoW me!)