- 美容化妝
- Janice Lam
- Eva Chiu
- Paully Ip
- 婚照攝影
- Patrick Law
- 花藝設計
- Annie
- 中式婚嫁禮儀顧問
- 羅勤芳
- 西方婚禮禮儀專家
- 周露嬋
- 婚禮統籌
- Cecilia
Patrick Law
提問: | I would like to have some information for Europe Wedding Photo Packages. We would like to take wedding photo in Europe in our Pre-Honeymoon trip in September 2008. The wedding photo trip will be planned in the beginning of our trip. There are some place Posted by Cody 2007-06-20 13:02:37 |
回應: | NULL |
- 1. 我將會在西港城大舞臺擺酒, 個場燈光很暗, 在拍攝上會很...
- 2. 想問3月是否一個適合月份& 天氣for pre-wedd...
- 3. "你好,我想請問在黃埔海逸酒店海逸軒個場地拍攝會否很困難...
- 4. "The website shown on ESD do...
- 5. "Hi Patrick,我在外地工作,打算回...