- 美容化妝
- Janice Lam
- Eva Chiu
- Paully Ip
- 婚照攝影
- Patrick Law
- 花藝設計
- Annie
- 中式婚嫁禮儀顧問
- 羅勤芳
- 西方婚禮禮儀專家
- 周露嬋
- 婚禮統籌
- Cecilia
提問: | "又是我...... annie, 我看到你有繡花球的款式, 不知花期是否在春天?那4月中是否適合呢?但我偏愛淡色的花, 不知道你有否做過? 另外我想問問你會否做鈴蘭?但我發現不知為何鈴蘭的價錢會比較貴?那4月是否適合呢?" Posted by fishymeow 2007-08-03 12:12:04 |
回應: | "To the bride-to-be: Yes, hydrangea available almost all year round. However, it still depends on the arrival varying each and every week. April, if I am correct, should be fine with hydrangea. There are quite a lot of choices of lig" |
- 1. 你好!我好喜愛維多利亞款式的婚紗,亦已經買了一件長袖企領...
- 2. 我係今年8月底結婚, 應該仲好熱...因為正考慮每位...
- 3. "dear Annie, my ...
- 4. I want to seek for your advi...
- 5. 請問1月會有Lily Of The Valley嗎?如有...