- 美容化妝
- Janice Lam
- Eva Chiu
- Paully Ip
- 婚照攝影
- Patrick Law
- 花藝設計
- Annie
- 中式婚嫁禮儀顧問
- 羅勤芳
- 西方婚禮禮儀專家
- 周露嬋
- 婚禮統籌
- Cecilia
Desiree Lam
提問: | Hello! I only expect 10-15 tables and thats why I cant book the ballroom. I have to hold my wedding banquet in a function room. The problem is that the function room is L-shaped and there are some pillarsin the room. The place doesnt look good. I am goi Posted by MiuMiu 2007-08-22 20:42:51 |
回應: | NULL |
- 1. "Hi Ki Wann,My f...
- 2. 我們租了教堂,但安排不到自己的牧師主持婚禮,請問可以怎麼...
- 3. 請問吉時指女家出門定係在男家斟茶? 又定係出門兼斟茶呢?...
- 4. 我想問結婚前係唔係最好有婚前檢查呢?我倆沒有什麼疾病也沒...
- 5. 你好!我明年一月結婚,家中有一姊兩妹,全都未...