- 美容化妝
- Janice Lam
- Eva Chiu
- Paully Ip
- 婚照攝影
- Patrick Law
- 花藝設計
- Annie
- 中式婚嫁禮儀顧問
- 羅勤芳
- 西方婚禮禮儀專家
- 周露嬋
- 婚禮統籌
- Cecilia
提問: | "周小姐妳好! 姊妹團湊成雙數的習慣, 請問新娘及伴娘是否計算在內? 兄弟團是否須要跟姊妹團數目一致?" Posted by Anson 2006-11-13 12:38:17 |
回應: | "It is the Chinese tradition to make the number EVEN, nowadays it is not necessary to make both side even. As long as the total number is a EVEN number. Then good luck will being to the couple." |
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