
提問: "Annie, 好多謝妳既回應, 我係早前向妳詢問有關: 請問垮頸款(即是左右兩旁胸側有帶上延至頸後扣上)胸部位置是心形的款式婚紗可選擇什麼鮮花做花球/做頭花飾物呢? 好驚配合得唔好,希望可以多角度都可以影得靚.
現再提供更多我既資料, 希望妳可以幫我. 感激!
高165cm / 中等身材135lbs / 白色婚紗小拖尾 / 健康膚色 / 性格活潑好動 / 於伊甸園註冊....."

Posted by 欣欣 2007-06-07 00:17:37
回應: "To the bride-to-be, thank you for your information. It is still difficult to decide which type of flowers and style of bouquet for you. Have you taken a look of our bridal bouquets on Eshop web?

Anyway, firstly, we have many styles of bouquet"
