Elmis Chiu

提問: dear, I am about 152cm, thin and got baby face. Is there any style that can make me look maturer and taller, and at the same time showing my body shape as it is relatively satisfactory to my height ^^\"? I am satifitory with my body shape so I am thinking to wear mermaid .. but worry that I may look even shorter on that Ball gown is my dream wedding dress, but i afriad i will look even more childish and short with that. also, my face is very pale... may I know if white or ivory would be better? haha...last question, would heard shape be a good choice as well? sorry for haviing tones of questions...I am soo nervous..Your advise is most appreciated. Million thanks in advance!!
Posted by jane 2012-01-21 22:53:26


至於Ball gown方面,其實不用擔心,款式年輕與否取決於裙子本身的設計,比如有小蝴蝶細節的會年輕點,重釘工的可能會成熟點。一般Ball gown上身都有束衣的剪裁,可突顯上身身形,不過不建議太誇張的Ball gown裙擺,可能會顯得累贅。

而面色的問題,可以事前跟妳的化妝師好好溝通,請他在妝容上改善妳的面色,令妳帶著紅潤面色出嫁。婚紗的顏色則建議妳選擇Ivory的顏色,亞洲人大多膚色偏黃, 所以Ivory可令膚色看起來更自然。但若然喜好白色的話,可考慮選擇Natural White,這樣亦可以令整體感覺更加自然。

Heart shape都是Sweet Heart Neckline,是一個不錯的選擇,可令上身整體地較好看,選擇Sweer Heart剪裁的婚紗時,不過要小心中間的V位,如果太深的話,可能會太性感,除這一點要留心之外,Sweet Heart基本上適合大部份身型的女孩,可以有效地點綴上身。
