
提問: Hi Cecilia I am planning to have an outdoor wedding ceremony followed by a Western cocktail reception. What should I prepare if the weather turns out to be not as good as we expect? What else can we do apart from setting up a marquee? i.e. How to take care of the muddy lawn? And should we be providing umbrellas to the guests etc? Thanks very much.
Posted by VWW 2012-02-16 22:17:31
回應: a very tricky question indeed but i\'ll try my best to provide you with some useful info.
1) setting up a marquee, is by far the most used and flexible way of weather proving an out door wedding ceremony. plan B can be an indoor venue provide by the hotel as a backup you may have to pay extra thou.
2) there\'s really not much that you can do to the lawn itself. however, there\'re these smart little things that you can buy to keep the lady\'s heels from being stuck to the ground. they\'re call heel protectors. (you can do a little research online for them)
3) as for umbrella, it\'s a yes and no for me. if budget allow, sure. costume made umbrella for the wedding, one for each guest. can block the sun with it or shield themselves from the rain. and most of all, the pictures will turn out very nicely. on the flip side this is not going to be cheap.

i hope that the answers i\'ve provided have been helpful.


