- 美容化妝
- Janice Lam
- Eva Chiu
- Paully Ip
- 婚照攝影
- Patrick Law
- 花藝設計
- Annie
- 中式婚嫁禮儀顧問
- 羅勤芳
- 西方婚禮禮儀專家
- 周露嬋
- 婚禮統籌
- Cecilia
Elmis Chiu
提問: | "THE most horrible bridal dress shopping expereice ever: Elmis, after reading your article, I was excited to visit your store (White Bridal Couture) and was hoping to find the dress for my wedding. But, we were disappointed because of your stores poor cust" Posted by IZA 2007-05-10 11:15:46 |
回應: | NULL |
- 1. 我身高1.5/6左右,身材較肥胖,手有點粗,請問穿什麼類...
- 2. 我本身比較肥及豐滿, 如下:胸: 38C /D腰...
- 3. 你好~~因為我手臂上個紋身...如果選擇婚妙..要點揀?...
- 4. dear,I am about 152cm, t...
- 5. 你好,elmis chiu,我165個身高,120斤。3...